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LDRS (Large Dangerous Rocket Ships) 42

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Try Larry:

Larry Weibert (Club Prefect): (716)628-1880

Quote from Ckirlew on March 7, 2024, 7:34 pm

I have been trying to register for LDRS but it only allows Paypal.  Has anyone else had a problem with this?

I'm not 100% certain but I don't believe you need a PayPal account. Using PayPal allows the recipient(s) to get paid via credit card without having to actually process the credit card and needing to adhere to all of the PCI DSS regulations.

Sent Larry an email a few days ago.  No response yet.



BTW, I was just looking at the LDRS pages. They updated the BFR list. Lots more added, including a couple by this guy named "Neil". He seems to be launching french fries at Kermit the Frog for some reason. But he's got a few cool BFR rockets.

Looking more and more forward to this!!🤗

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Attention CENJARS members!

Are any of you going to LDRS in June?

We know of at least 7 CENJARS members that are going. We are trying to reserve some parking spots for us as a group. We are also coordinating other events (i.e. the bbq banquet, and perhaps over dinners). If you plan to go, and wish to gather with "Camp CENJARS," please let us know, and make sure you are registered for LDRS. Post here, or contact Secretary Eric, or through the website contact.

Note: no one is under any obligation to go, or to gather with us if you do, but all are welcome.

For those who have not been to URRG's launches at Torrey Farm, this information was just posted. It has a map of the range. You can see the road on this map and how far back on the farm the launch activities take place. Last URRF, I filmed Neil's and Dan's full-scale Patriot project. To give people an idea of the SIZE of the farm, I filmed my trek from the main road to the parking location. I also measured that trek. It's 1.1 miles! The video is here for your reference. Watch it and you can get an idea of the vast size of the farm.


Eric Becher has reacted to this post.
Eric Becher

So LDRS 42 has come and gone.There was a strong CENJARS presence on the field. Some were there for the weekend, some for only a day. It was great to see so many CENJARS folks make the trek up there.

Sadly, the weather wasn't very cooperative. It rained briefly on Thursday. Then again on Friday, shortening the day a bit. Saturday was dry... but windy. While the field was large, some rockets just shouldn't be launched in high winds! Then Over Saturday night it rained heavily, which caused the field to turn to muck, so the Farm was shut down, and the launch cancelled for that day. 😓

But that didn't spoil all our fun. We got to practice setting up Neil's large Nike Smoke rocket (but weather prevented it from launching). We met some of the vendors that we all know and love to spend money at: One Bad Hawk, Performance Hobbies, Wildman, Chris' Rockets, and others. (Sadly, Rocketship Games was missing!) After launch days some folks got together for dinners or drinks, and Saturday was the BBQ where we got to meet NASA astronaut Woody Hoburg and hear about his experiences getting to the ISS and back. Not to mention that that area was just nice to drive around and see. I learned a few things. Saw a lot of things. I'd do some things different next time, but I would definitely go again.

Chris made a couple of attempts at his Level 1, but fate was against him. Keep trying Chris - you'll get it! Brian C. did get his Level 1 cert flight, so congrats to Brian!

Jo Ann and I stayed a few extra days to check out the area. We got home almost a week ago, and I've finally gotten caught up and around to posting a few pictures in "The Away Cell" gallery. Some are of my launches (you'll recognize a few), or other CENJARS members' rockets (Jim Z's white high flier, and Neil's "Bullet Bobby"). (I apologize for not getting more pictures of "CENJARS" rockets.) Some are just cool looking rockets. Brian C. in his "special rocket suit" is not to be missed, and I'm eagerly awaiting the video!

LDRS 43 is to be held next May 15-18 in Helm, California (midway between LA and SFO) at a dairy farm. Too far. I ain't goin'!

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updated gallery 

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AdminEric Becher

The new CENJARS mascot

Uploaded files:
  • IMG_8803.png
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AdminZielijo1Eric Becher

Day 3 video finally done. 44 mins of raw footage edited to 17 mins and the entire morning was supporting Sasquatch flight.

Day 3, featuring BFR*s and no rain but high winds. Plus off field antics
Plenty of flights. Spent most of the morning supporting the beer rocket = Sasquatch. The nose weight was a 5 gal beer keg, brewed by Dan P @mashnewjersey It was a fun but muddy time at LDRS and thanks to URRG an team CENJARS

Sasquatch flight video here

Beer brewing video here


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Eric Becher
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