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May 2024

May 2024 Launch Report

After a few weeks of weather and Mother’s Day delays, we finally launched on 19 May. It was a little cloudy and breezy at the start, but it turned into a fantastic day for flying. Even though the turnout was a little light, those that came had a good time. An NO rockets were lost to trees, ponds or the bramble!

Engine totals:

4 – 1/2A Engines

5 – A Engines

8 – B Engines

22 – C Engines

3 – D Engines

6 – E Engines

7 – F Engines

0 – G Engines

Total of 55 engines on 54 flights.

There was some catching up to do for holiday observances. That started with Poohbah’s Sombrero for Cinco De Mayo, which even did a Mexican jumping bean impression after it landed. Eric flew observances for Star Wars Day (May the 4th), Armed Forces Day (May 18th), Maritime Day (May 22nd) and Memorial Day (May 27th). Also a flight for Gleda Estes, who passed away on March 30th. You can read more about Gleda and her legacy to Rocketry here. No less important to CENJARS was Charlie’s birthday, which he celebrated Saturday with family and was kind enough to share some of the “health food” that was remaining. The Balloons were a nice touch too!

A few of the more interesting flights were: Dan’s long, slow decent of his “Mini A Heli” helicopter recovery rocket. Chris flew his “Puff the Dragon” to mixed success. Brian C’s last flight of the day was a high-flying 2-stage “Zenith II” that went impressively high on two B motors. Even more impressive was its landing just a few yards from the pad. Manav had his nice-looking Great Goblin. Also seen in flight was Jim’s “Damaged Goods” which is notable for how well that thing flies month after month, even though it looks like it was kicked out of a rocket junk shop.

There were a bunch of kids that were active fliers too. Manav, Spencer, Lainey, and others were all flying some nice rockets. An ARC team was doing some bonus flying, even though their season is over. Perhaps in honor of the ARC finals that were going on in Virginia at the same time! Maybe they are looking to gain more experience to challenge CENJARS member Diptanshu, who was competing in the finals down in Virginia?

Pictures are in the Gallery.

Next launch is right around the corner and should be June 2nd. A big national event, LDRS in upstate NY (which many members are going to) follows shortly after that, so let’s hope the weather cooperates.

Also seen in flight was Jim’s “Damaged Goods”

It's a monument to masking tape!


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