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BARC Launch, Nov 2023

I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Earlier today, 25 Nov, a few of us CENJARS members went to the Bridgeton Area Rocket Club (BARC) launch down in south Jersey. They have access to a nice farm field with lots of room. It was a little chilly in the morning, but turned out to be a very nice day of flying. By noon it was warming up a bit and there was NO wind or clouds for the rest of the afternoon. Joe Z., Dan, and Don all flew at least a few rockets, some of which were a little too large for our field in Wall. Some pictures are in the gallery if you'd like to check them out (maybe video soon too). Joe was flying his upscale Mars Lander on a J430, and another upscale X-15 on an I244. Dan had some nice flights on big engines too. Don flew some smaller, but nice looking and flying rockets too. (I just took pictures)

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I was in and out of the house yesterday putting and getting items from the garage cooler. I was a nice day. Too bad I had to forego the launch.

Any idea of the altitude Joe realized on the Mars Lander flight?

He had an altimeter in it. 877ft I think?

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Upscale mars lander on J430, 877 ft. 14lbs wo motor. On board video from Estes didnt record

X15 upscale on I212, 1200 ft. 7 lbs w motor.
these were scratch built by Long Island joe S. He’s leaving the hobby. Stable flights


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