Central New Jersey Area Rocketry Society Membership
The Central New Jersey Area Rocketry Society, CENJARS, welcomes new members and you are encouraged to join the club. National Association of Rocketry (NAR) membership is not a requirement to be a CENJARS member but it is highly encouraged. Please list CENJARS section #698 as your associated club on your NAR application.
Membership dues for new and existing members are as follows:
- $24.00 per family per year
- (dues are prorated $12.00 after June)
- $6.00 per Scout per year
- $12.00 per Scout Companion(friend|parent) per year
- $24.00 ARC — American Rocketry Challenge — Teams
(membership term is July through June)
To join CENJARS, please download, print out and complete the application form. Payment can be made in the form of cash or check at a launch, or mail your completed application form with a check.
Make your check payable to: CENJARS
If you wish to mail your application, use this site’s Contact form and request the mailing address for your membership payment. You will receive an email reply with the mailing address. Make certain that your email address is correct when you complete the form.