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October 2024 Scheduled Launch

Attention all CENJARS Goblins, Ghosts, Ghouls and Zombies...

The October launch is this Sunday, 6 October. Being October, Halloween, albeit early, is the theme and focus of the launch. The extended forecast is looking excellent for the launch. Cool autumn temperatures, low winds generally from the east and clear skies, so I'm announcing that this is a GO! early. Get your rockets ready!

If you haven't been following along, several of us — please don't ask who started it as I don't rightly recall — will be costumed as the Knights of the Round Table from Monty Python's The quest for the Holy Grail. We will have all of the important aspects of the movie too — the Killer Rabbit of Caerbanog, the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, coconuts, the Grail and others. Brush up for your signing of the Camelot song! While it may be late for you to join us in latest medieval garb, costumes of any sort will help to enhance the Halloween launch celebration.

We're going to be setting up earlier for this launch. If you're up with the sun, come join us at the field circa 10:00 🕙 to setup and practice for the film crew and, rumored, reporter from a local newspaper.

Let it never be said that we don't have fun launching rockets.

Post launch there will be a debriefing at Kane Brewing replete with mead, ale and grog. Well, maybe no mead but Kane has some tasty ales and grog.

Be sure to join us. CENJARS will, like Camelot, be a silly place.


Arthur, President of the CENJARS


Eric Becher, tjkopena and lsellmer have reacted to this post.
Eric Bechertjkopenalsellmer

I have a little mead, but I don't suppose that would sit well with Kane if I brought it there.

But for the field, I'll have a bunch of stuff. Candy Corn anyone? Ghosts, and Goblins and Bats, oh my! And if we're not careful (and weather cooperates) perhaps the Kraken will be released! 🦑

Admin has reacted to this post.

I have a bottle of Mead that I bought when we went to that riverside bazaar along the "river" during LDRS.

So, I'll be there around 10ish, but what arrival time should I tell a couple people I'm trying to get to come such that they won't miss maximal silliness? Usual 12:30?

Quote from tjkopena on October 4, 2024, 1:28 pm

So, I'll be there around 10ish, but what arrival time should I tell a couple people I'm trying to get to come such that they won't miss maximal silliness? Usual 12:30?

Come early!


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