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June 2024

June 2024 Launch Report

Here we were again, only 2 weeks after our May launch. Weather was pretty nice. Overcast clouds kept the heat away, and allowed most rockets to be seen

Engine totals:

7 – 1/2A Engines
11 – A Engines
13 – B Engines
22 – C Engines
10 – D Engines
4 – E Engines
7 – F Engines
2 – G Engines
Total of 76 engines on 73 flights.

“C” motors continue to dominate, while “E” motors are only for the brave, thanks to a rash of CATO’s lately throughout the hobby. No worries, we had plenty of great flights on all kinds of size motors.

First and foremost, we welcomed CENJARS member Diptanshu back to our launch. Recall that Diptanshu competed in the ARC finals down in Virginia. Maybe he didn’t win, but his team was one of the 100 teams invited to the finals from a national pool of over 900 teams that entered. I know I didn’t get an invitation! Diptanshu also showed off his winning rocket from his 1st place finish in the L1 Sr. Div in the "Rocket For School" competition in Wisconsin last month. Diptanshu is also a recent NAR Jr Level 1 certified flyer. Nice going Diptanshu! I expect you’ll be sending someone to Mars on one of your rockets one day (‘cause you’re not crazy enough to go there yourself).

Neil showed off his Bullet Bobby, which had an interesting flight path on the way to displaying his Kermit the Frog parachute. While the engine didn’t perform 100%, the parachute did, and looked nice.

Jo Ann and Brian C. had a drag race in both of their newly built sister ships, the old Estes “Red Flare”, or as Brian calls it, and overdressed Alpha. The prismatic red scheme was unique, and both rockets flew well. Jo Ann’s on a D12, and Brian’s on an E12. Results are that Brian’s left the pad first, but he had a much longer walk into the bramble to find it hanging from a tree. Jo Ann was happy to take second if it meant a short walk to the middle of the field.

There were a few other rockets that got lost in the weeds. Some were found. Some were not. Remember folks – our field is small, so while I applaud everyone’s ambitions to reach new heights, you risk an errant rocket going where no man has retrieved a rocket before!

Brian also flew an interesting rocket made from a postal box. I assume standard shipping rates apply. And true to Postal form, it was slow and a little unstable! Unlike Dan’s gliders, which once again impressed everyone with their slow and graceful turns on the way to gentle landings. Well done Dan! Again.

Pictures are in the Gallery.

A lot of talk centered around the upcoming LDRS event later this week in upstate NY. Many Large Dangerous Rocket Ships will be on hand, including some from a large handful of our members who are attending, and flying. I’m sure we’ll have some pictures and videos to share in the next week or two.

Next launch is scheduled for July 7th. Plenty of time for everyone to build those new rockets that folks were buying from Rocketship Games and from Eric & Jo Ann’s rocket garage sale. We will be closing out the July 4th extra-long weekend, so let’s see those patriotic rockets!

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