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July 2024

July 2024 Launch Report

In a word – “HOT!” But it was otherwise a great day for flying. Light winds, high clouds, and if you had some shade to sit under (with plenty of water to drink), not too bad. A bunch of interesting rockets came out, and the motors reflect the low winds – higher motors and some clusters were flown.

Engine totals:

7 – 1/2A Engines
10 – A Engines
8 – B Engines
12 – C Engines
9 – D Engines
3 – E Engines
9 – F Engines
6 – G Engines
Total of 64 engines on 59 flights.

Independence Day was the theme and there were plenty of Red, White, or Blue rockets, along with a few Red, white and blue rockets.

Neil started the big rocket parade with his big, blue “Mirage”, that scared us with a late shake of the parachute. Jim’s “Bluey” and Lainey’s nice “Blue Bird Zero” (which made several great flights) rounded out some of the blues. White rockets included a number of models, great and small. The Eagle Rocket team (being mentored by Diptanshu 👍👏) flew early season ARC rockets “1.2” and “1.1”. Charlie’s “Screwball” and Chris’ Minuteman III, launched (sort of) from a “silo”. Jeff’s “Corporal” I think was white. (We’ll have to check back in the trees to confirm) And there was plenty of red too. Chris’ “Sumo”, Brian’s “Red Hot Rocket”, Eagle’s “Red”, Ilan’s “Red Pinnochio”, Margret's “Eggscaliber” (cue all the egg jokes you can lay on us from yesterday), and there were a few others. Plus plenty of red, white AND blue in the form of Citation Patriots, Patriots, Spirits, and Brian’s C’s “Firecracker”, which I’m told started life as a Star Orbiter, but certainly doesn’t look like it now!

Other highlights:
Ken’s “Duces Wild” which flew in commemoration of the larger version that flew so memorably at Red Glare in Maryland in 2022 (look it up on youtube). Flew about as well too!

Chris continued his attempts at identifying the many different ways to crash a “Sumo” and still keep it flying. Flying on an E12 is one way. Flying it on an F26 will not make it crash however.

“PRINGLES!”©® - Brian showed us what he and the family were eating during the rains at LDRS. He built a rocket from a stack of empty Pringle cans leftover from LDRS, with a very cool tube fin arrangement. Check out the pics in the gallery. And it flew great! I bet you can’t fly it just once!

Perhaps the most awesome flight of the day was a project from Charlie’s workshop – The “Death Star 2.4” ('cause it's 2.4 times bigger than the original version). Looked imposing just sitting on the pad (Is that a moon?). It exploded just like in the movie (as intended). There are pics in the gallery and I think a video is coming too. Don’t miss seeing it!

But aside from these, there were all kinds of recovery methods that were fun to see, including: Parachutes, streamers, gliders (another one of Dan’s is still floating towards Kansas as we speak), Rotating nose cones, free falling, lawn darts, scrambled eggs, tree-catching, bramble-eating and the above mentioned thermal detonation.

Lesson learned for the day: Do NOT park your expensive German engineered automobile close to the activities. Apparently they magnetically attract rockets, including Neil’s atomic bomb “Little Boy”. That nice car was targeted at least 3 or 4 times until it was smartly moved to a safer distance. Must have been something related to the curse of Werner von Braun!

Pictures are in the Gallery.

Special thanks to Neil for a few treats, including cold water and Gatorade, plus some nice “non-melting in the heat” crumb cake for Eric’s recent birthday.

Next launch is August 4th. Plan on another warm one, but you don’t want to miss it. Our annual summer picnic pot luck! Info and food sign up are in the forum HERE. Always plenty of great food shows up, so please come out to help us eat it! If you don't cook, we could also use plates, utensils, napkins, ice & drinks, garbage bags etc. Thanks everyone!

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