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Contest/ Raffle time

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Hello club members. It’s time for another contest/ raffle

i mentioned at the May 7th launch that there will be another contest

win a prize!!


the club now has an official club DJ! Me! Music was played in between flights and announcements

Jimmy was spotted several times dancing, practicing his moonwalk….

I created a special playlist for a rocket launch. There was a common theme in all the songs, some were picked for club members favs

the theme should have been obvious

i maybe able to add your fav song too


but what is missing is a DJ name!

to enter, come up with a DJ name, and the club will vote on it. One entry per person

make it fun, clever, and win a prize!

Uploaded files:
  • B742BEB0-2FE3-49A8-A9AF-DE5D8EC9EB3D.jpeg

I'll start and submit the name that the kids at the Arbor School used to referred to you.

Dr. Z

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Crazy JZ

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MC Rocketry

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Jo Ann and I have a bunch. Some have already been rejected by the DJ in question, but I'm sticking to my guns and we'll let the people decide.

  • The Rocket Rocker
  • The Rocketin' Rocker
  • DJ J-Z
  • DJ Zoom
  • DJ Blaster
  • Spacey Z
  • Delicious Z (we actually suggested this as Joe's rap name a while back)
  • DJ C.A.T.O. (I have no idea what that would stand for)
  • Lawn Dart

πŸ˜‚ I know that's a lot, but sometimes you start and you just can't stop!

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one entry per person

Eric Becher has reacted to this post.
Eric Becher

I only entered once. One post with many suggestions! 😁

Ok, I missed that line.

  • My entry - Delicious Z
  • Jo Ann's entry - DJ Zoom

As far as I'm concerned, others can use my remaining suggestions.

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Nice but delicious z was taken for my tiki bar cocktail name, sometimes he can be seen but not at rocket launch

Eric Becher has reacted to this post.
Eric Becher

You gotta lot of rules!

That's it - you're DJ CATO!Β  πŸš€πŸ’₯

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Rocket Jockey

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Zielijo1Eric Becher
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